Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/26 MCB Seminar Series: Dr. Trude Helen Flo

    3:30pm – 4:30pm

    BPB 131

    MCB Seminar Series: Dr. Trude Helen Flo, Professor in Cell Biology & Co-Director of Centre of Molecular Inflammation Research / Fulbright visiting scholar at Boston Children’s Hospital

    Host: Dr. Lynes

    "Host-cell killing by Mycobacterium tuberculosis”

    Summary: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of tuberculosis, infects and subverts antimicrobial defenses of lung macrophages, sometimes resulting in cell death. Different modes of cell death can be induced by Mtb with beneficial or pathological outcomes, but this is incompletely understood

    Bio: PhD at NTNU (2001), post doc in Alan Aderem’s lab at Institute for Systems Biology in Seattle (2002-2003), junior researcher and later Faculty at NTNU where she also co-directs a Centre of Excellence on Molecular Inflammation Research. Currently a Fulbright visiting scholar in Jonathan Kagan’s lab at Boston Children’s hospital.

    Dr. Flo has worked on host-pathogen interactions and innate immune sensing in macrophages since her PhD. During her post doc in Alan Aderem’s lab in Seattle she discovered a new defense mechanism whereby the host starves bacteria for iron. Since then, she has established a research group whose main focus is how immune cells sense and respond to pathogens like mycobacteria and HIV on their journey through the cell, and how these pathogens evade host defenses.



    For more information, contact: Ashley Landon at