Training and Professional Development

  • 4/12 Developing discussion questions

    Developing discussion questions  
    Tuesday, April 12, 1:00 – 2:00
    Online - see registration confirmation for link
    Presenters: Tina Huey, CETL-Faculty Development 

    Join us for an hour of your day to connect with your colleagues. These sessions serve as a springboard for discussions around a topic related to teaching and learning but really give you the chance to share the success and challenges you are facing in our new teaching reality. Each session has a topical theme but is shaped by the participants together with the facilitator. Teaching talks are not recorded.  

    The thematic focus for this particular session is discussion questions. The format will be interactive, with a combination of presentation and breakout discussions. Depending on the interests of participants, topics may include: 

    • How do you use questions in the classroom? 
    • What are your objectives for class discussions? 
    • Can we remain spontaneous while being intentional with our questions? 
    • What does equity have to do with questions? 
    • How do different modes and media support discussion objectives? 
    • What are some frameworks to consider for question building?  

    Interactivity level: moderate to high 

    Teaching talks are not recorded. 

    Register -


    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at