Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/10 CHIP Lecture: Automated Health Counselors

    CHIP Lecture Series, Spring 2014

    “Automated Health Counselors for Underserved Populations”

    Tim Bickmore, PhD, Northeastern University

    12:30 - 1:30pm


    Video Conference Room 204, second floor
    J. Ray Ryan Building, 2006 Hillside Road
    University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus
    For directions and maps, see

    Accessibility: elevator available in building lobby on ground floor.


    RSVPs are encouraged by emailing

    Web Stream

    You can view this talk streamed live during the lecture -- or archived after the lecture -- at

    *NEW FEATURE: Live webcast viewers may submit questions in real time; simple instructions are posted at  

    About the Speaker

    Dr. Bickmore is an Associate Professor in the College of Computer and Information Science at Northeastern University. The focus of his research is on the development and evaluation of computer agents that emulate face-to-face interactions between health providers and patients for use in health education and long-term health behavior change interventions, with a particular focus on the emotional and relational aspects of these interactions. Prior to Northeastern, he spent two years as an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Boston University School of Medicine. Dr. Bickmore received his Ph.D. from MIT, doing his dissertation work in the Media Lab studying emotional interactions between people and animated computer characters.

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