Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/16 Neag Lecture: Michael Gardiner

    Professor Michael Gardiner

    2014 Neag Distinguished Visiting Professor


    How English Rises or Falls with the Constitution

    Neag Lecture

    16 April 2014

    Austin 217 (Stern Lounge)




    Neag Distinguished Visiting Professor for the spring semester, Michael Gardiner, comes to us from the University of Warwick, UK, where he is Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies. Gardiner studied at Oxford, Goldsmiths, and St. Andrews, and has taught at Japan Women’s University, Chiba University, and Aberdeen University, among others.


    Professor Gardiner's research interests include British twentieth-century cultural history, the politics of modernism, comparative modernism and Euro-Japanese exchange, and creative writing. In addition to The Constitution of English Literature (2013), The Return of England in English Literature (2012), At the Edge of Empire: The Life of Thomas B. Glover (2008; Japanese translation 2012), and From Trocchi to Trainspotting: Scottish Critical Theory Since 1960 (2006), Michael has published on Scottish literature, Muriel Spark, and James Kelman.

    For more information, contact: Claire Reynolds at 486-3047