Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/30 Statistics Colloquium, Taylor Arnold



    Taylor Arnold

    Associate Professor

    Department of Mathematics

    University of Richmond


    Data Science for Image Analysis



    Working with collections of images presents unique challenges to the application of data science techniques. In this talk, I will start by presenting some of the theoretical concerns and proposed solutions for working with image data. Then, I will introduce software I have been developing — the Distant Viewing Toolkit — that enables the application of corpus-based techniques to images. Finally, I will show an application of this approach using a case study of a data analysis project studying a set of two American television shows.


    Bio: Dr. Arnold studies massive cultural datasets in order to address new and existing research questions in the humanities and social sciences. He specializes in the application of statistical computing to large text and image corpora. The study of data containing linked text and images, such as newspapers with embedded figures or television shows with associated closed captions, is of particular interest. Research products take on several forms: book length manuscripts, technical reports, new software implementations, and digital projects intended for broad public consumption. 

    Wednesday, March 30, 2022

    4:00 pm EST, 1-hour duration




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