Training and Professional Development

  • 3/31 The Uniqueness of the 21st Century Student,...

    The Uniqueness of the 21st Century Student, particularly Post- pandemic
    Thurs., March 31, 10:00-11:00

    Presenter: Wayne Trembly, CETL-Faculty Development

    This is meant to be an interactive workshop that discusses ways to act, react, and interact with today’s students in order to best serve them.
    Please come with questions, problems, concerns, solutions, or all of the above, and come prepared to participate actively in our solution focused discussion.
    This is envisioned as an ongoing monthly work group. Come once, come regularly, or anything in between.
    Links: The 21st century student The 21st century student U of Louisville: A comprehensive guide for dealing with students who are having difficulties

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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at