Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 4/12 Free Wellness Sessions from 'Rest is Revolution'

    Wanna see how rest can be a form of social change? Rest is Revolution is so excited to guide you through these hour-long wellness sessions, engaging students with the rest movement at no cost. Wear something comfy and join us for a talk about social justice, burnout, and a guided meditation from 'RIR' Director Shelby Houghton. You can sign-up here!

    For the first time ever, Rest is Revolution will be on UConn's campus during April 11th-15th of 2022. You can find us on Instagram, find our podcast on Spotify, and check out what else we are up to on our LinkTree! Rest is Revolution: UConn's Week of Reflection is supported by the Change Grant, Undergraduate Student Government, and the NAACP at UConn.

    For more information, contact: Shelby Houghton, UConn Foundation at or @restisrevolution on Instagram