Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/11 Geography Colloq - Climate Mitigation with Forests


    Forests are at the center of attention as a natural climate solution, recognized as a meaningful wedge in the portfolio of actions we need to fight climate change.  Land managers are actively exploring ways to promote climate mitigation through forest protection, expansion or management, but they need help framing the solutions, quantifying their potential, and identifying priorities.  This talk will introduce a suite of methods, datasets, visualizations, and communications that our team has developed to help fill this gap. 

    By combining forest inventory data, satellite remote sensing of biomass and land cover, and carbon cycle computational modeling, we have developed a national-scale forest carbon monitoring and assessment system (NFCMS).  This system serves as a baseline inventory for greenhouse gas reporting and as a tool for assessing local to regional climate change mitigation opportunities in the forest sector.  We have applied this capability to examine state-level trends in forest carbon stocks and fluxes, expected future carbon sequestration, and the role of harvest removals across New England plus New York.  Also, we have assessed the potential climate benefits of avoided deforestation, reforestation, and sustained forest growth and utilization across the region.  Examples of this work will be presented along with discussion of the challenges that remain in preparing the scientific basis for informed decision making about the climate benefits that can be reliably achieved with forests.

    For more information, contact: Anji Seth at