Facilities and Transportation

  • 3/14 Electrical Distribution Testing March 14th - 18th

    From March 14 through March 18, 2022, UConn University Planning, Design and Construction (UPDC), in coordination with Facilities Operations (FO), will be testing the electrical systems for the new Supplemental Utility Plant (SUP) located in the NW Science Quad. 

    The University is building a SUP to increase electric supply to the Storrs Campus and modernize the control systems as UConn works towards our net zero carbon goals.  We have been planning and designing the SUP for five years, and these testing activities mark a major milestone for this project.

    The tests are part of the construction process and enable the project team to correct power-quality problems before they arise. In this series of assessments, we will be conducting circuit-by-circuit Electrical Distribution System testing to satisfy state building code requirements. 

    We do not expect these tests to cause electric power outages. In the event of outage, however, existing emergency generators and inverters will operate to provide life-safety and emergency power.  In addition, emergency teams will be on standby to address any issues that may occur. 

    We appreciate your patience and understanding through these testing activities. Please contact Stan Nolan at stanley.nolan@uconn.edu with any questions up to March 13th.  If you encounter issues after this date, please contact work order control @ 860-486-3113. 

    For more information, contact: Stan Nolan at stanley.nolan@uconn.edu