Additional UConn Information

  • 03/03/2022 Message from the Dean of Students

    The message below was sent by Eleanor JB Daugherty, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, to students on all campuses on March 3, 2022

    Subject: The Choice is Yours

    My Dear Huskies,

    It’s time.  Over the past several weeks we have closely monitored our re-opening for the spring semester.  We’ve come a long way.

    Throughout this pandemic you have consistently chosen to keep yourself and others safe.  You have done so in a time of unprecedented uncertainly.  This has meant fearing for those who were ill, protecting those you love from unnecessary exposure, being unable to travel to your home country for a significant period of time, and, yes, wearing masks.  I am humbled and grateful for the choices you have made these past few years.  It is in that spirit that I would like to announce the return of that power of choice.  

    Masking.  Effective March 4, it’s your choice now.  We are moving to yellow. Masking will be recommended but only required in classrooms.  As you consider what choice to make, I would advise you that it is my hope that you continue to think of others as you have all this time.   Indoor settings with folks interacting closely with one another creates increased risk of spread.   Please think about masking during those times.  There is as strong a voice asking me to continue masking on campus as there is asking me to reconsider

    This has been a time of ongoing compromise and sacrifice while we preserved what we cherish most.  For me, that was ensuring that UConn was always a home to you when you had nowhere to go.  My colleagues and I across our campuses have never stopped being there for you and offering you the best education possible.  

    You are encouraged to request someone wear their mask if you wish.  Please respect the wishes of those who ask that you wear your mask.  There will be locations where wearing a mask is still required, such as areas of SHaW where direct medical care is provided and the classroom.

    As we noted in our earlier email, remember to carry a mask with you at all times.  As you know, this is subject to change should the University experience any outbreaks that require additional prevention efforts.

    Treatment for students with COVID or a designated close contact remains unchanged.  Students who test positive must isolate as advised by their provider.  Students designated as a close contact will be advised on quarantine based upon their vaccination status.

    Be well, my friends.


    Eleanor JB Daugherty, EdD
    Associate Vice President and Dean of Students

    For more information, contact: Janice Canniff at