Special Events and Receptions

  • 3/4 UConn Moms4Moms: Coping During the Pandemic

    Moms4Moms is a  group for mothers employed or enrolled at the University of Connecticut since April 2019.

    This group was created by Trisha Hawthorne-Noble for mothers seeking a network, community, and an inclusive space to talk about both the joys and hardships of motherhood. 

    The groups mission is to enlighten, empower, engage, and educate through shared experiences of M4M members, activities, and workshops. The overall vision is to serve as a hub and a resource for working or student moms at the University. 

    If you're interested in joining the list-serv, please email uconnmoms4moms@Uconn.edu or Trisha.Hawthorne@Uconn.edu


    THIS FRIDAY, WE HAVE SPECIAL GUESTS WITH US TO DISCUSS: 'COPING DURING THE PANDEMIC, MOMMAS EDITION" - 12:00PM - 1:15PM. See below for link, no registration is required.


    WebEx Link: https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/uconn-cmr/j.php?MTID=m5dc43fb7ab78400faac2c7e2156a94a6

    Meeting number: 2623 550 0390

    Password: Mommas


    Have a great day,


    For more information, contact: Trisha H. Noble at Trisha.Hawthorne@uconn.edu