Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/9 Stamford: Human Rights and Financial Reporting

    The Challenge of Dodd-Frank 1502 for Businesses:

    Reporting on Conflict Minerals to Advance Human Rights

    A Breakfast Roundtable Event hosted by the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center and the School of Business

    Wednesday, April 9, 2014
    9:00AM-11:00AM (8:30 Registration)
    University of Connecticut – Stamford Campus
    1 University Place, Gen Re Auditorium
    Stamford, Connecticut

    The passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in 2010 marked the most significant revision of US financial regulations since the Great Depression. Among the most innovative—and controversial—features of the law were the provisions requiring the Securities and Exchange Commission to receive reports from corporations disclosing whether “conflict minerals” originating in or around the Democratic Republic of Congo are used in the manufacture of their products. This provision, contained in Section 1502 of the Act, was designed to address ongoing concerns about the way in which the extraction of certain resources in eastern DRC was contributing to the endemic violence and massive violation of human rights in the wider region. After many months of consultations, the SEC issued the reporting requirement rule in August 2012, which established disclosure process for compliance with the Section 1502 provisions. Having withstood legal challenges, these rules are now in effect and will require companies to submit their first disclosures on May 31, 2014.

    Please join us for a discussion of how businesses are approaching compliance with these new rules. Our panel of experts will share their experience shaping and executing their company’s 1502 policies, and in the broader areas of human rights and sustainability. Their insights will be valuable for businesses facing reporting requirements under law and/or concerned with advancing human rights worldwide.

    Featured speakers will include Jonathan Drimmer (Barrick Gold, Georgetown Law), Sandy Merber (General Electric), David Strauss (Praxair), and Robert Araujo (Sikorsky).


    For more info and to register visit:

    For more information, contact: Glenn Mitoma at