Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 3/3 UCH/UConn Cross-Campus Research Collab. Panel

    UConn/UCH Cross-Campus Research Collaboration Panel
    March 3, 2022
    Noon – 1:00 p.m.
    Via Zoom


    The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) invites all UConn/UConn Health (UCH) faculty and researchers to a panel discussion on cross-campus research.  Register for this event!

    Cross-campus collaboration holds great promise for advancing inquiry in a wide range of disciplines and for growing UConn’s reputation as a leader in research.  Hear from panelists Dr. George Kuchel (School of Medicine, UConn Center on Aging), and Dr. Dennis Wright (UConn School of Pharmacy) about the benefits of pursuing UConn/UCH collaborations, the challenges they faced in these partnerships, and how they navigated the projects. 

    UConn and UCH are two halves of “One UConn,” each offering characteristic areas of strength and unique research infrastructure.  Given external funders’ growing interest in supporting interdisciplinary and convergent research, the demonstrated excellence of our faculty, and the complementary expertise available across campuses, this panel aims to address UConn/UCH system and procedural questions and challenges that arise in cross-campus research by sharing our faculty success stories.  Register for this event!

    If you require an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact or 860.486.3001 by February 24.

    For more information, contact: OVPR Administration at