Training and Professional Development

  • 2/23 Initial IACUC Training Session

    The University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) requires that all faculty, staff and students who work with live vertebrate animals attend an initial IACUC training session.   This will provide an overview of federal, state and University regulations, policies and procedures as well as general information related to the care and use of animals at the University. This semester we are relaunching our in-person training sessions with a new series of synchronous online WebEx Events. This will provide participants the opportunity to ask questions and get information from subject matter experts at the University.

    Please navigate through the links provided below to sign up for an IACUC training session. When using the sign-up link, please use the Register link on the associated page.  You should receive an “Approval” email after signing up.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding sign-up, please contact

    Presentation Dates and Times:

    Please note: Sessions start promptly. Latecomers risk not receiving credit.



    Session Name


    Sign-Up Link

    Wednesday, February 23, 2022

    10:30 AM

    IACUC Initial Training

    Mark Johnson, IACUC Specialist

    Session 1

    For more information, contact: Nicholas Lacafta at