Additional UConn Information

  • 2/10/2022 Message from the Dean of Students

    The message below was sent by Eleanor JB Daugherty, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, to students on all campuses on February 10, 2022

    Subject: Checking Back In

    Dear Huskies,

    I know, you’re used to hearing from me on Wednesdays.  However, I felt like enough has occurred over the last week that it was important that we stand together, support the voices of our students, and find the path forward.  Thank you for allowing me to join you yesterday.

    As you know from President Maric’s email, I am bringing together individuals from across the University to help us better meet the needs of students impacted by sexual violence.  Invitations to committee members will be going out shortly and I look forward to addressing this important need on our campuses.

    I am also happy to share that my colleagues in SHaW are effectively managing our COVID cases.  As a result, it is no longer medically necessary for us to remain in red.  WE ARE GOING TO ORANGE, friends!

    This Friday morning at 6 a.m., student activities, campus dining, residential life, and the Rec Center will be in orange.  Thank you for sticking with us over the course of the last two weeks and helping us get to this point. 

    A couple of highlights:

    • UConn students only are allowed as guests in residence hall rooms/suites/apartments. Family members may visit in residence hall common areas.
    • Physical distancing is lifted.
    • Club Sports and Student Activities can travel (please consult with your adviser on the details).
    • Dining will be at 100% capacity and, on the Storrs campus, Buckley will no longer be solely grab-and-go. Students not under quarantine who wish to make a request for a to-go container should visit the dining website at
    • Masks are still required inside unless you are eating or drinking.  

    Masking: Let’s talk. As you know, the big difference between yellow and orange is masking. I am looking forward to discussing masking and other COVID-related topics with my colleagues later this month.  We are very aware of the Governor’s recent messaging regarding K-12 and required masking. That certainly means it’s worth considering whether any changes announced for K-12 in Connecticut should be applied to UConn. However, we are equally aware that masking and vaccination compliance (including getting your booster) are strong indicators to our good health. This is particularly true on our residential campuses. 

    In the meantime, please work with your medical provider (which is SHaW for Storrs students) to ensure that you are boosted when eligible and compliant with our vaccination requirement. I know that will remain an important data point for us to consider as we move forward (many thanks to the nearly 17,000 eligible students who have reported their boosters!). 

    Be well, my friends. I hope this makes your weekend a little more enjoyable.

    All good things,


    Eleanor JB Daugherty, EdD
    Associate Vice President and Dean of Students

    For more information, contact: Janice Canniff at