University Policy Information

  • Proposed New General Education Program

    Dear Colleagues:

    The Senate Curricula and Courses Committee is pleased to introduce the Common Curriculum Guidelines for consideration by the University Senate. This is the first of three documents that will be presented to the Senate this Spring as it continues the process of introducing a new general education program.   

    At the February 7th, 2022 Senate meeting, the Senate Executive Committee will call for a Special Meeting of the University Senate to be held on February 28th.  The presentation of and vote on the Common Curriculum Guidelines (document one) will be the sole agenda item.  If approved, the Curricula and Courses Committee will draft an implementation plan that will include a fiscal impact report (document 2).  The plan will be presented to the Senate in April for approval together with corresponding updates to the Senate By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations (document 3). 

    The Senate C&C crafted the Common Curriculum Guidelines document to be as lean as possible by removing redundant language that can already be found in other relevant University documents, most notably the By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations.  Work on these guidelines also made it clear how crucial an Implementation Guide will be, as it is in such a Guide that we can address issues of the rollout of these changes, the resources necessary, and anticipated challenges that have been raised by various constituencies that have participated in the Delta process for the last several years. We also anticipate that work on the Implementation Guide will be informed by Senate deliberations on 2/28, as its purpose will be – in large part – to address questions that naturally arise from reading these Common Curriculum Guidelines.

    Now, we ask that Senators share the Common Curriculum Guidelines document widely (prior to the 28th), talk to their constituents and come to the February 28th meeting (if approved at the 2/7 senate meeting) prepared to discuss and vote on them.  We urge Senators to send potential amendments in writing to the Senate Office in advance of the meeting.

    We are excited about the possibilities of re-envisioning general education at the University of Connecticut in ways that intentionally and strategically build on all of the work that faculty, staff, and students have put into the design of the existing general education curriculum, while also rising to the challenges of offering a relevant and responsive curriculum to educate our students for the 21st century.

    With best wishes,


    Del Siegle, Chair                                        Suzanne Wilson, Chair

    Senate Executive Committee                      Senate Curricula & Courses Committee

    Link to Common Curriculum Guidelines


    For more information, contact: Cheryl Galli at