Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Director Position: WiMSE Learning Community

    Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities * University of Connecticut
    Internal Call for Faculty Director
    WiMSE House Learning Community


    The Learning Community Program is seeking a current UConn faculty member to assume responsibilities as Faculty Director for the WiMSE (Women in Math, Science & Engineering) House Learning Community. This is proposed as a 10-month appointment. The Faculty Director will report to the Executive Director of the Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities. Effective date of appointment is targeted for August of this year and is typically for a 3-year term.


    Learning Communities are a high impact teaching and learning practice shown to be beneficial for college students from varied backgrounds. They encourage integration of learning and an opportunity to engage students with the grand challenges facing humanity in the 21st century relevant to the theme of this community – starting in their first semester. WiMSE House is an interdisciplinary Learning Community housing about 80 undergraduate women who have declared science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) related majors, with a particular focus on majors underrepresented by women at UConn. Its mission is to retain women in STEM fields that are a source of innovation, leadership and change in our world. Innovation in STEM fields requires cross-discipline knowledge, expertise, and collaboration. In many respects, women are well suited for these interdisciplinary approaches and WiMSE House aims to foster this strength. WiMSE House is situated in the Peter J. Werth Residence Tower, a residence hall equipped with a high-tech WiMSE House Community Room and LC Team Landing Zone space.


    The Faculty Director’s primary responsibility is to provide vision and leadership for the operation of the Learning Community. Responsibilities include:

    • Develop a Life-Transformative Education (LTE) program that helps students transition to college successfully, learn to navigate university resources, provide opportunities to encourage meaningful engagement, confidence building, and support-seeking behaviors starting in students’ first semester, monitor student success and provide interventions, and increase awareness and knowledge of topics associated with the theme of this community among all members
    • Build and lead an effective LC Leadership Team which provides multiple layers of mentorship (partners, graduate assistant(s), student leaders, and residence hall director), hold bi-weekly LC Leadership Team meetings; mentor and develop student leaders; and hold a monthly Community Meeting with all student members of the Learning Community
    • Develop a 2-year curriculum, teach at least 2 one-credit courses each semester, and oversee instruction of all sections (with 19 or fewer students enrolled in each), recognizing our priority that faculty engage with first-year students
    • Engage with students both in- and out-of-class; oversee planning and implementation of enrichment activities, projects, and events to engage students throughout the academic year; commit to attending community events
    • Ensure student awareness of and engagement in UConn initiatives and activities related to the theme of this community
    • Attend meetings and events held by the Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities throughout the year and participate in LC recruitment processes
    • Engage students in projects in the UConn Innovation Zone (LCIZ) makerspace, a space with tools students learn to use; engage students in making through team building, creativity, problem solving, and skill development activities and projects
    • Seek funding and engagement to support program initiatives such as via grant proposals or industry partnerships
    • Submit an annual report as well as establish the means and carry out assessment of the Learning Community’s effectiveness


    This search is internal to UConn. Requirements: status as tenured/tenure-track full-time faculty member (individuals in other types of faculty positions may be considered); commitment to building community and personalizing and enriching undergraduate education, including a willingness/ability to meet with and advise students and regularly engage with them outside of class in social and experiential activities; relevant interdisciplinary research/teaching interests; excellent communication skills and ability to strategically network; and enthusiasm to build and sustain a high-quality program. The Faculty Director will work closely with the Office of First Year Programs & Learning Communities (primarily), the Institute for Student Success, Residential Life, and other offices, committees, and individuals concerned with undergraduate enrichment and strengthening UConn initiatives related to the theme of this Learning Community.


    Compensation: An additional month of salary (paid throughout the year as a 10-month appointment); other matters to be discussed

    *NOTE: If finalist is a non-tenured/tenure-track faculty member, compensation may depend on individual’s faculty position contract


    Applications received by Monday, February 14 will be given full consideration. Email letter of application, current CV, and contact information for 3 references to, including WiMSE House Director Search” in subject line. Questions can be directed to David Ouimette ( or Melissa Foreman.


    Life-Transformative Education (LTE) @UConn: | Learning Communities as High Impact Practice: | Learning Communities in UConn’s Academic Vision:;

    For more information, contact: Melissa Foreman at