Additional UConn Information

  • Advertising Events & Programs to Honors Students

    Hello Honors Learning Partner!

    Every semester the Honors Program compiles a list of relevant events for Honors students that support their academic, personal, and social development throughout the semester. We welcome any program or event information from our campus partners to be added and publicized through our various advertising portals. We are currently gathering information for Spring 2022 and invite you to share any programs or events you would like advertised to the greater Honors community through the form linked here.

    Additionally, some events may qualify as an “Honors Event,” which promotes student learning inside and outside of the classroom throughout the collegiate career. The distinction of “Honors Event” is important because all Honors students must attend ten “Honors Events” over five designated categories to achieve the University Honors Laureate degree designation. The five event categories are as follows: Career, Professional, & Personal Development; Honors Community Development; Academic & Interdisciplinary Engagement; Multiculturalism & Global Citizenship; and Social Change, Service, & Sustainability.

    Even if your program or event is not considered an “Honors Event,” we can still market it to our students.

    We encourage you to submit the form at your earliest convenience. If you are unsure of your programming and event schedule, we can add your programs and events up to two weeks prior. Please note that we ask campus partners to submit no more than three events per semester to be considered Honors Events.

    If your event details change after submitting the form, please let us know and we can adjust the information. Please send us any changes as you are aware of them, and we will make adjustments in our electronic communication.

    Thank you so much for your dedication and support!


    The Honors Programming & Events Team

    For more information, contact: Honors Programming and Events Office at