Training and Professional Development

  • 12/16 Carving Out Space for Joy and the 3 Rs- Rest,...

    Carving Out Space for Joy and the 3 R’s- Rest, Resilience and Resistance
    Thursday, December 16, 2021 -12:15-1:15 pm
    Presenter: Khalilah Arrington, CETL-Faculty Development

    Put yourself at the top of your end of semester to-do list and join us for a one-hour teaching talk where we will discuss ways to bolster our resilience, practice self care, and sustain our joy so we can continue to fight for collective liberation. These sessions serve as a springboard for discussions around a topic related to teaching and learning but really give you the chance to share the success and challenges you are facing in our current teaching reality. Each session has a topical theme but is shaped by the participants’ discussion, needs, and interests. In this session, we will co-create a joyful virtual environment where we look deeply, listen to our bodies and reconnect to our lightheartedness by engaging in contemplative practices including but not limited to mediation, somatic experiencing and movement.

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    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at