Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • SET Spring 2014:Schedule



    Schedule for SET


    Feb. 4

    10th day of classes-data upload from Student Admin begins the next day to populate the SET survey system with classes, instructors and students

    Early Ending Classes or Instruction

    Feb. 21-May 1

    Early ending classes* will be included in the SET survey project by the end date of the class as it is entered in SA* in  the Schedule of classes.  The opening to faculty to add their own questions will be at 10:00 am 21 days before the last date entered in SA and open for 7 days. The QP* will close at 11:59 pm.  The survey will then be open to students for 14 days closing on the last date of the class at 11:59 pm.


    Mar. 16

    Spring recess begins


    Mar. 22

    Spring recess ends

    Full Semester classes

    Last class May 2

    Full semester classes* are also included by the end date of the class as it appears in SA* in the Schedule of classes.   The last class date of the term is May 2 according to the Registrar's calendar. The QP* for instructors teaching these classes will open at 10:00 am 21 days before the end date (April 11)and close in 7 days (April 17) at 11:59 pm or 21 days before the last date of the term prior to finals week. The survey will open to students 14 days before the last day of class (April 18) at 11:59 pm and remain open for 14 days before closing (May 2) .

    Subject View Management


    SVM allows instructors to see the current response rate for their surveys. It will be open as soon as the survey is open to students and stay open until the final grade posting deadline. Please check this and encourage your students to participate.


    May 2

    Last day of Spring semester classes -no SET surveys to be done after this date-On-line surveys close to students at  11:59 pm


    May 5

    Final examinations begin-no SET surveys are to be administered during finals week


    May 10

    Final examinations end 


    May 13

    Deadline for submitting Spring grades via  Student Administration System

    Deadline for Reporting

    June 6

    The SET system will not start to upload data to run reports until after the final grade deadline. It  can take up to two weeks to run the reporting at all levels or longer if paper forms are scanned and that data included.





    Subject View Management allows the instructor to follow response rates. It is accessed from each instructor's Dashboard



    "QP" or "Question Personalization"-instructors may add up to three personally developed comment questions to the survey for their class



    "SA"-Student Administration or PeopleSoft

    Early Ending Class or Instruction


     Those classes having an end date of the class or end of instruction  prior to the Registrar's end date of the term which is May 2, 2014.

    Full Semester Class


    Those classes meeting until the last date of the term prior to finals week or May 2, 2014

    For more information, contact: Cheryl Williams at