Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 12/13 MCB Dissertation Defense: Wayne Mitchell


    Department of Molecular and Cell Biology

    University of Connecticut



    Announces the


    Oral Dissertation Defense for the Doctoral Degree of

    Wayne Mitchell

    B.S. Physics, Applied Mathematics

    University of Connecticut,  2015



    The role of mitochondria in health and disease: unraveling the molecular mechanism of SS-peptides to optimize therapeutic efficacy


    Date: Monday, December 13th

    Time: 10:15AM

    Location: BPB 130



    Major Advisor: Dr. Nathan Alder

    Associate Advisor:  Dr. Andrei Alexandrescu

    Associate Advisor:  Dr. Eric May

    Examiner:  Dr. Jessica Rouge

    Examiner:  Dr. Olga Vinogradova



    Link to dissertation:

    For more information, contact: Wayne Mitchell at