Dr. Alicia Dugan of UConn Health is conducting an anonymous online survey to understand social support among a working population of breast and colorectal cancer survivors.
You may qualify to participate if you are a breast cancer or colorectal cancer survivor who:
- is 18 years of age or older
- completed initial treatment (surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy) for breast or colorectal cancer sometime in the past 3 years
- was employed 20 or more hours per week when diagnosed with breast or colorectal cancer
- are currently employed 20 hours or more per week
Eligible participants who complete a 45-minute online survey are compensated with a $50 Amazon gift card for their time and participation.
UCONN Health PI: Dr. Alicia Dugan, IRB 21-089S-1
For more information, contact: Hannah Austin at 860-500-3277/haustin@uchc.edu