The UConn Center on Aging was recently awarded a National Institute on Aging Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center grant (P30 AG067988; Kuchel, Fortinsky - MPIs), better known as a Pepper Center ( These centers of excellence are dedicated to advancing research and fostering careers of early stage researchers seeking to improve function and independence of older adults. The focus of the UConn Pepper Center is Precision Gerontology, a scientific approach to understanding heterogeneity in geriatric disorders in order to create more personalized and effective approaches to improving health and function in older adults.
A key component of the Pepper Center is the Research Education Component (REC), which provides financial support, education and training to Pepper Scholars who Pepper Center leadership have identified as showing particular promise as independent investigators. The REC, led by Dr. David Steffens, includes several senior research leaders at UConn who will serve as mentors to Pepper Scholars.
We are issuing this solicitation to junior faculty and post-doctoral fellows with an interest in aging-related research. Individuals with experience in this area are encouraged to apply, as are those with research backgrounds in non-aging related fields whose research might be enhanced with a new aging focus. Physician scientists and clinicians in other disciplines are especially encouraged to apply. Funding for Pepper Scholars will begin January 2022.
Interested individuals should contact Dr. David Steffens ( for an application. The deadline for submission of applications is Thursday November 18 at 5:00 PM. Applicants may not have current R01 funding and must be U.S. citizens or green card holders. External reviews and the UConn Pepper Center Steering committee will review application materials and will select three individuals to become Pepper Scholars.
For more information, contact: David Steffens, MD at