Training and Professional Development

  • TGS Timely TopicsFellowships Process and Updates

    The Graduate School’s

    Fall 2021

    Timely Topics Series


    Timely Topics is a series of opportunities to engage with subject matter experts on topics relevant to those who support and advise graduate students and programs. Every session is available to all UConn faculty and staff. We hope you’ll join us for the upcoming session:

    Fellowships Process and Updates

    This session will provide updates and opportunity for discussion on several parts of the fellowship nomination, review, and award process for The Graduate School’s internal fellowships (Harriott, Crandall, and Jorgenson), including:

    ·Fellowship Committee representation by a department faculty member is now required. This member may be asked to review fellowships and take part in the final decision meeting.

    ·Division of Fellowship Application process into separated master's and doctoral processes, each with an independent series of dates. And now the Jorgensen and Harriott dates have been separated out into their own dates.

    ·Division of the Fellowship Nomination process into two stages with different deadlines for the applicant (to indicate consideration) and the department (to nominate up to four candidates).

    ·Removal of faculty nomination stage, leaving departments to run their own internal process; however, the same access to the applications via slate will be provided.

    ·The potential for departments to work with applicants on their diversity statements is being considered. 

    ·Fellowship Application process now happens after submission of application to The Graduate School rather than simultaneously.

    ·Updates to when an application will be available for the Fellowship Nomination and Fellowship Awards.


    Date:                   Tuesday, November 16, 2021

    Time:                   11am-12pm

    Register:             Through this link

    Facilitators:        Stuart Duncan, Director for Programming and Diversity Recruitment, The Graduate School

    Kent Holsinger, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of The Graduate School


    You can learn more and see all the session scheduled for Fall 2021 at our webpage:


    For more information, contact: Megan Petsa at