Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/3 Occupational Monitoring and Safety Considerations


    OccMed Colloquium Talk-


    Title: Occupational monitoring and safety considerations for healthcare workers handling hazardous medications: an overview of program design and implementation.

    Speaker: Laura Breeher, MD, MS, MPH (Mayo Clinic)

    Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm

    Location- Virtual (Webex)

    As a result of this discussion you will be able to describe the US Pharmacopeia standard as it relates to hazardous medication surveillance in healthcare.  Identify the most common laboratory tests used in hazardous medication surveillance programs and understand the challenges in interpretation of individual results.  Recite methods that can be utilized to analyze aggregate data and trends which may prompt additional evaluation.

    For link to this talk please contact Miriam Muniz @

    For more information, contact: Miriam Muniz at