Human Resources and Benefits

  • Restructured Work/Life Committee

    Perhaps at no other time in the University’s history has the importance and need for a robust and holistic work/life initiative to support our faculty and staff become more evident. I am excited to write with news that the Work/Life Committee is being reconfigured with an updated structure, keeping to our mission and purpose of providing programs, policies, resources, and education that enable employees to be successful, engaged, and thrive at work and home.

    The Work/Life Committee will be under the guidance of Human Resources, chaired by Vicki Fry, Manager of Employee Engagement, Recognition & Wellness.  We would like to thank the existing committee membership for their service to the committee.  The new committee will include representation from the President, Provost and Administration Divisions of the University.  The committee will consist of working groups of members in the many areas of work and life, including Health & Well-being, Family, Community, including diversity, equity and inclusion, and Personal & Professional Development, including recognition and appreciation.

    Please fill out the form via by November 22nd if you are interested in serving on the committee.  Selected members will be notified.

    I look forward to the work the committee will engage in to enhance the lives of our current and future workforce!

    Thank you,

    Christopher Delello

    Chief Human Resources Officer

    For more information, contact: Vicki Fry at