Special Events and Receptions

  • 11/15 Looking for Students with Internship Experience

    UConn Community Outeach's Political Engagement is putting together an internship fair for UConn students by UConn students. A space where students can talk to other UConn students questions about the internships they have had in a low-pressure setting. We are looking for UConn undergrad and grad students with past or current internship or job experience in any of the following categories:

    • public policy
    • health policy
    • environmental policy
    • advocacy
    • government
    • politics
    • law
    • human rights
    • other related fields

    The event will take place on the UConn Storrs campus on November 15th from 6:30 - 8 pm. 

    If you have any students who you think would be willing to participate, please send them this google form to fill out: https://forms.gle/vFVRtv49kM7P38oW6 

    For more information, contact: Rebecca Nowinski at uconn.co.politicaleg@gmail.com