Additional UConn Information

  • Campus Cleanliness & Disposal of Paper Masks

    To the Storrs Campus Community:


    UConn has experienced a noticeable uptick recently in the number of paper masks found discarded on lawns and walkways, in classrooms and rest rooms, and elsewhere on the Storrs campus.


    We commend the community for adhering to policies that require mask-wearing inside university buildings and recognize that people might occasionally drop their mask unknowingly while trying to place it in their bag, purse, or backpack.


    However, the significant number of used masks discovered and collected daily suggests many are being discarded without regard to the appearance and cleanliness of the campus.


    In addition to creating litter, this counters UConn’s green-friendly efforts because most paper masks are not biodegradable, and the cleanup diverts workers’ time from other necessary grounds-keeping and building maintenance tasks.


    Please discard used paper masks in trash receptacles or, if none are nearby, please hold onto the mask until encountering a receptacle in a residence hall, office, or other building. If you encounter a trash can that needs to be emptied, please report it to Facilities Operations at 860-486-3113.


    Thank you for your willingness to work together toward the cleanliness of our “homes away from home” on our campuses, and for your ongoing efforts to protect your health and that of others at UConn.


    UConn Facilities Operations

    For more information, contact: University Communications at 860-486-0871