Special Events and Receptions

  • 10/17 Clean Our Campus with ORCA and the URC

    Last spring, EcoHuskies, French Club, Fridays for Future, Honors Across State Borders, Junior Panhellenic Council, Mens' Rugby, Pre-Med Society, ResLife, and Women's Ultimate Frisbee student organizations each pulled a team together to join the UConn Recovery Community (URC) to clean up trash across campus. We collected almost 900 lbs.!  

    This fall we're doing it again--let's beat that number! Register here for our Fall Cleanup Event on Sunday, October 17th from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Register as a team and you will be qualified for our Team Prize for most trash collected (lbs). Or, register as an individual. All are welcome!   

    We are partnering once again with ORCA (Ocean Recovery Community Alliance). ORCA’s mission focuses on building community to act as stewards of our world’s oceans, beaches and waterways.  

    For more information, contact: UConn Recovery Community at urc@uconn.edu