Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 11/1 Online Dialogue Event: Antiracism in Education

    Title: "Responding to the Antiracism Call to Action as Educators"


    An online dialogue event to connect CT educators in small breakout groups to discuss antiracist educational practices.

    Dialogue Event Description

    This dialogue is an opportunity for educators (open to all who work in education) across Connecticut to connect in small online breakout groups to discuss (1) past & current practices that have led to disparities in the provision of educational services, (2) barriers to implementing antiracist educational practices, (3) practical action steps to respond to the antiracist call to action as an educator, and (4) an opportunity to ask expert panelists' questions regarding the implementation of antiracist educational practices.  Participants will receive a certificate of attendance after attending the entire duration of the event and completion of the feedback form (certificates will be issued to participants within 1 week of the event). 

    Register For The Event Here 

    For more information, contact: Michael Li at