Additional UConn Information

  • Message from the Dean of Students

    The message below was sent by Eleanor JB Daugherty, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students, to students on all campuses on September 15, 2021


    My Husky Friends,

    Wow.  Just wow.  You’re here.

    Convocation was magical.  So was the Sophomore Welcome.  So was the start of class.  Magical.  And you were the reason why.  If you are new to UConn, welcome.  If you are returning, welcome back. It’s been a minute.

    As you know, we’ve been keeping an eye on things.  I have to say, it’s looking really good.  Here are a few highlights:

    Our Health: We have opened the semester on a strong note.  Your efforts have resulted in a vaccination rate of 90% or higher on our campuses.  The volume of COVID-19 cases we have encountered are small.  Especially given the reality of the delta variant among all individuals, we know what to do to keep those numbers low: get vaccinated, wear a mask, and get tested if you aren’t feeling well.  

    Remember that the University is currently in orange and will likely stay that way for some time given current state guidance and the prevalence of variants.  I know that may be disappointing for some, but we know what works for controlling disease spread on campus, and masking in indoor settings is an important part of our success.

    We also know what doesn’t work: large gatherings off campus without prevention measures in place, close contact with others outside of a residential setting without wearing a mask, and ignoring symptoms when we are not feeling well.  If we want to avoid exposure and spread, folks should not cram into a small space and should wear masks indoors.

    Our Community: It has been a joy to see all of you on our campuses.  The staff and faculty need you as much as you need them.  Being in community with one another has brought immeasurable joy to everyone. 

    Let’s remember that we have been through a great deal.  This isn’t back to normal per se.  This is bringing back a sense of normalcy after an unprecedented interruption.  During that time, we all made heroic decisions to protect the health of ourselves and countless others.  We’re back and we are stronger and more compassionate than ever.  Let’s not forget that the journey has been hard and is still ongoing, and make sure we grant each other – and ourselves - some compassion and forgiveness.

    Advisers, faculty, staff, and fellow students are all here and we all care.  Let’s always remember to ask for help and a friend when we need one.  You matter and we are here.  

    Staying Connected: Looking ahead, I see nothing but amazing activities and events on all of our campuses.  The staff have gone to incredible efforts to ensure we remain connected as one UConn through safe and appropriate gathering guidelines.  Check it out here to learn more about our continued UKindness events that are both virtual and in person.

    Finally, Dean’s Advisory will be meeting for the first time this semester this Thursday at 4 p.m. in the Rec Center.  There will always be a virtual option provided to students who are not able to attend in person.  Just email us at for more information.  All are welcome. 

    All my best,


    Eleanor JB Daugherty, EdD
    Associate Vice President and Dean of Students




    For more information, contact: Janice Canniff at