Training and Professional Development

  • TGS Timely Topics Graduate Admissions

    The Graduate School’s

    Fall 2021

    Timely Topics Series


    Timely Topics is a series of opportunities to engage with subject matter experts on topics relevant to those who support and advise graduate students and programs. Every session is available to all UConn faculty and staff. We hope you’ll join us for the upcoming session:


    Graduate Admissions Forum

    Join the Graduate Admissions and GradSlate teams to learn about updates and changes regarding the 2022 admission cycle in Slate and to discuss best admissions practices. Some topics that will be included are a new and improved tab for test scores in the Reader, the new Slate Road Map, changes to Reader Review Forms, and the new Application Cover Sheet tab in the Reader. We will also revisit Slate reports that programs may find useful for admission stats, documentation, presentations from 2020 & 2021, and future trainings. Please bring your observations, questions, and items for your “wish list”.


    Date:                   Wednesday, September 22, 2021

    Time:                   1pm-2pm

    RSVP:                  Through this link  

    Facilitators:            Anne Lanzit, Graduate Admissions Manager

                                 Holly Brunette, Graduate Admissions

                                 Meg Drakos, Graduate Admissions

                                  Shirley Fiasconaro, Graduate Admissions

                                 Kim Lachut, Slate Core Team

                                 Marie LeBlanc, Slate Core Team

                                 Lisa Pane, Slate Core Team


    You can learn more and see all the session scheduled for Fall 2021 at our webpage:


    For more information, contact: Megan Petsa at