Additional UConn Information

  • 9/7 UCAELI Conversation Partner Volunteers Wanted

    Dear UConn Community, 

    UConn's American English Language Institute (UCAELI) is currently looking for Conversation Partner Volunteers for the Fall semester.

    The program will have in-person and online opportunities available!

    Course Name: Communication Skills and Interactions

    Online (Zoom): Tuesdays, 10:00am - 11:00am, starting 9/7

    In-person: Wednesdays, 11:45am - 12:45pm, starting 9/8

    What do Conversation Partners do?

    Conversation Partners play an important role in UCAELI students’ English education. Partners who join Conversation classes will be directed by a UCAELI instructor on how to participate in each class. Objectives for the Conversation Partner time connect with UCAELI’s Communication Skills course objectives. Generally, partners will be placed with a small group of UCAELI students who will have some questions or conversation strategy to practice relating to something they are learning in their Communication Skills and Interaction classes. Topics and activities vary from discussions about culture, current events, academic subjects and university life to interactions designed to be fun.

    The one requirement of volunteer partners is to speak in English!

    The commitment to being a Conversation Partners is flexible. Partners may join classes regularly or just once or twice, however partners are encouraged to let the Conversation Partners Coordinator (Ana Colon, UCAELI Program Assistant) know in advance about their level of commitment so that teachers can plan lessons accordingly.

    What do Conversation Partners get from the experience?

    • Learn about other cultures
    • Make new friends from all over the world
    • Help international students participate more fully in the UConn community
    • Gain experience in providing language feedback, explanations, and suggestions in a language learning classroom

    Please click here for more information on the UCAELI Conversation Partners Program!

    *This volunteering opportunity is open to all students, faculty, staff, and alumni*

    For more information, contact: Ana Colon, UCAELI Program Assistant at