Finance and Administration

  • New Procedure for Audit Contracts

    Notice Regarding the Procurement of Audit Services

    Effective October 1, 2021, new legislation (PA-145) goes into effect regarding the procurement of any audit services by an agency of the State of Connecticut. The new law requires that anyone entering into or amending a contract for the purchase of auditing services must notify the Auditors of Public Accounts of the State of Connecticut at least 15 days prior to entering into or amending such a contract, and that no one shall enter into or amend such contract until the Auditors of Public Accounts have advised the agency as to whether those auditing services could be provided by said auditors.

    Any UConn or UConn Health group that is interested in procuring auditing services must notify the Office of Audit and Management Advisory Services to discuss the need for such services prior to initiating any procurement effort for the services.  The Office of Audit and Management Advisory Services will review the request and contact the Auditors of Public Accounts, if required.  Further, UConn and UConn Health policy requires the Joint Audit and Compliance Committee to approve all auditing services engagements.

    Please contact the Office of Audit and Management Advisory Services at prior to procuring auditing services.




    For more information, contact: AMAS at