Facilities and Transportation

  • On-Campus Carrier Package Deliveries

    University Community-

    As of 15 August, The University of Connecticut has resumed in-person operations.  For the last 18 months, because faculty and staff were working from home (and because our daily operation load was reduced), the warehouse added the responsibility of taking in package deliveries as an extra service to ensure things operated as smoothly as possible.  With this campus-wide return-to-work our Facilities warehouse team will need to resume their full pre-COVID-19 operation and will no longer be able to provide the additional service of accepting packages for University departments who choose to continue working remotely.


    If you order items that will be delivered by a package delivery service (FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.), please make sure that you have someone at your on-campus location to receive the package.  If there is no one at the campus address to accept delivery, the warehouse will not be able to accept the delivery on the department’s behalf.  If you have questions regarding the disposition of packages, please contact the carrier directly.


    For more information, contact: Andy Kelly at andy.kelly@uconn.edu