Appointments, Retirements, and Searches

  • Graduate Assistant for Scientific Writing in ANSC

    Dr. Kristen Govoni is seeking a Graduate Assistant to assist with teaching a scientific writing course (ANSC 3314W) in Fall 2021. This is a one-credit writing intensive course that students take concurrently with ANSC 3313 (Growth and Metabolism of Domestic Animals). This course provides students an opportunity to: 1) investigate a specific topic that is of interest to them in fundamental and current topics in growth physiology and metabolism, 2) gain experience in the process of scientific writing within the field of growth physiology and metabolism, including review of the literature and peer review, and 3) communicate scientific findings to a broader audience. 

    The GA will assist with developing and providing lectures and discussions related to scientific writing, critiquing and grading papers, providing one-on-one consultations with students to improve writing, and other tasks associated with teaching a scientific writing course. The position will support up to a level 3 GA at 10 hours per week for the Fall 2021 semester. 

    The successful applicant must have strong written and oral communication skills, demonstrated proof of successful scientific writing (e.g. peer-reviewed publication, completed master’s thesis), be in a current Ph.D. program at UConn, have a B.S. and/or M.S. in a scientific field (students with a degree in English with demonstrated experience in scientific writing will be considered). Preference will be given to individuals with teaching experience.

    To apply, please submit the following to as a single pdf file.

    -       Current CV

    -       Example of scientific writing (peer-reviewed publication or thesis)

    -       Letter of support from current advisor (this can be sent in a separate email)

    Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled or the start of classes.

    If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Govoni directly at


    For more information, contact: Kristen Govoni at