Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Seeking Human Subjects: Female 45-60 y/o for Study

    Blackcurrant Modifies Gut Microbiota and Reduces the Risk of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial

    The UConn Department of Nutritional Sciences is seeking participants for a research study to determine the effects of blackcurrant consumption on changes in gut microbiome and bone mass in adult women at risk of bone loss

    To be eligible to participate:

    • Female, age 45-60 years old

    • Be classified as perimenopausal (defined as at least one menses in the last 12 months, or had hysterectomy or endometrial ablation without bilateral oophorectomy before age 55, or no more than 5 years since had the final menstrual cycle)

    • Willing to ingest a blackcurrant supplement or placebo as well as 400 mg calcium and 500 IU vitamin D daily for 6 months

    • No cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, liver or kidney disease

    • Not on hormone replacement therapy for at least one year

    • Not heavy smokers (>20 cigarettes/day) or heavy drinkers (>2 drinks/day)

    • Not taking prescription medications altering bone and Ca metabolism

    • Willing to avoid other dietary supplements and foods extremely rich in anthocyanins and fermented dairy products for the duration of the study

    • Willing to have 3 blood draws, 3 stool collections, and 2 bone scans

    Benefits of participation:

    • Free bone density scan results and diet analysis report

    • Participants will receive up to $180 for completing the study.

    If you are interested in participating, please contact: Jun Sakaki, Graduate Assistant (908-432-8552 or or Ock K. Chun, Principal Investigator (

    UConn IRB Protocol H20-0035 Approved July 15, 2021.

    For more information, contact: Jun Sakaki at