Student Activities

  • Community Outreach Leadership Position

    Do you supervise students in your LC/club/org who may be looking for leadership experience? Community Outreach is looking for a Program Director for Campus Wide Initiatives. The program director will work closely with their student coordinator and staff supervisor to plan and implement events on campus such as food drives, MLK Day of Service, and Give & Go.  The program director will also have input in creating new events and establishing an event planning committee. Work-study awards can be applied to this position.


    Responsibilities include:

    • Meeting with student coordinator biweekly

    • Meeting with staff supervisor biweekly

    • Attending biweekly Community of Practice meetings (with other student leaders)

    • Attend monthly professional development event/dinner

    • Recruiting volunteers for events

    • Planning volunteer events with support from student/staff coordinators


    Feel free to share the application link (have students select “Campus Wide Initiatives - Program Director” from the checkbox menu): 


    If you would like a formal job description or have any questions feel free to contact Emily. 

    For more information, contact: Emily Burnett at