Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • Protect The Skin You're In

    Summer has arrived and it’s the perfect time to head outdoors and enjoy the sunny weather. But are you protecting yourself from potential risks?

    Unprotected sun exposure can cause:

    • Vision problems and damage to your eyes
    • Suppression of the immune system
    • Premature aging of the skin
    • Skin cancer

    Here are some simple ways to protect your skin:

    • Wear sunscreen every day, in all weather and in every season
    • Apply and reapply sunscreen generously
    • Wear sunglasses with total UV protection
    • Avoid being out in the sun as much as possible from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
    • Check your skin regularly so you know what’s normal for you and to notice any changes or new growths

    July’s WELCOA Health Bulletin highlights facts surrounding UV safety awareness, simple ways to protect your skin, and the difference between UV-A and UV-B.

    To access the WELCOA Health Bulletin – “PROTECT THE  SKIN YOU’RE IN” as well as other health and safety topics such as “Blotchy Skin, Caring For Your Kidneys, and Safe Sleeping For Babies”, visit and click "WELCOA Health Bulletins" under QUICK LINKS.

    To access the July Well Balanced Monthly Newsletter, please visit


    Be sure to check back each month for more helpful and informative bulletins.



    For more information, contact: Michelle Monko/Human Resources at