Student Activities

  • Early Arrival Information

    Fall 2021 Early Arrival Process


    Updates for Fall 2021:

    • There is no charge for group Early Arrivals for Fall 2021 ONLY.  There may be fees re-instated in future semesters.  Groups will be asked to have their student arrivals assist Residential Life with move in tasks on Aug 27-29.
    • The Early Arrival check-in location will be in the Charter Oak Apartments/Busby Suites Parking Lots.
    • There will be no Individual Early Arrival Process, only Group Early Arrivals.
    • Students must have guaranteed housing and be fully vaccinated to be eligible to arrive early.
    • This process and the dates listed are being planned based on current University guidance and are subject to change.


    • June 28th to July 16th: Group Coordinators can request access to the Early Arrival Database
    • June 28th to August 2nd: Group Coordinators can enter Early Arrival students.  The address of the Early Arrival Database is:
    • August 2nd: Deadline to enter or remove students from Early Arrival database.  Database closes.  There will be no additions after this date.  NO EXCEPTIONS.
    • August 2nd  – August 6th:  All Early Arrival requests will be processed and vaccination status will be verified with SHaW. 
    • August 10th:  Coordinators will receive an e-mail with status of all requests.
      • Requested students will receive a confirmation e-mail with check-in instructions. 
      • August 24: Early Arrivals take place in Charter Oak Apartments/ Busby Suites Parking Lot.

    Fall 2021 Early Arrival Fees

    • For Fall 2021 ONLY there will be no fees for Early Arrivals. 

    Early Arrival Program Coordinators

    • The program coordinator is a professional staff member (non-student staff) responsible for inputting information about the early arrival students into a database managed by Residential Life.  The Early Arrival database will be available within 2-3 business days of submitting program coordinator/group information to Rachel Hartley. Students in the Early Arrival database will receive detailed instructions about check-in via e-mail from Residential Life.
    • Info Needed to Request Access to Early Arrival Database
      • Any program that needs students to return early so they can participate in a University sponsored event or program must forward the following information to Rachel Hartley at rachel.hartley@uconn.eduby July 16, 2021.
        • First/Last Name of program coordinator
        • Program coordinator contact information and NetID
        • Name of early arrival group (please use the same name as previous years if this is a continuing group)

    Graduate Early Arrivals

    • Graduate Early Arrivals must be requested by departments.
    • Graduate Early arrival date and information to come.

    Early Arrival Check-In Date - August 24th  

    • Check- in information to follow.

    Changes After the Deadline

    • No changes can be made to the list after the deadline August 2, 2021 so that our staff can begin preparing for the requested early arrivals and so vaccination information can be verified.   There will be NO exceptions this year.  Students who are not fully vaccinated when information is verified are not eligible to arrive early. 

    Questions & Information

    For more information, contact: Rachel Hartley at