Human Resources and Benefits

  • 6/1 Postdoc Collective Bargaining Agreement-Town Hall

    6/1 – Postdoc Collective Bargaining Agreement – Town Hall

    Join Kent Holsinger, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of The Graduate School, and Kristen Brierley, Labor Relations Associate with the Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations, for an overview of the recently implemented collective bargaining agreement covering Postdoctoral Research Associates.

    These town halls will provide an overview of the collective bargaining agreement for Principal Investigators and other faculty who supervise Postdoctoral Research Associates and for staff in academic departments who help to manage the appointments of Postdoctoral Research Associates. The town halls will also provide an opportunity to answer questions.  Please use the credentials below to join the session.  Two additional sessions will be offered on June 7 and June 11, during which the same presentation will be made.


    Link to Postdoc Collective Bargaining Agreement:

    Town Hall #1: Tuesday, June 1, 20201 at 11:00 a.m.

    Join from the meeting link:


    Join by meeting number:

    Meeting number (access code): 1208 89 8752

    Meeting password: HUj39NFkmm6 


    Join by phone:



    For more information, contact: Kristen Brierley at