Research, Funding, and Awards

  • SGCI Grad Award in Urban Studies - 6/1 deadline

    Reminder for all grad students: The SGCI 2021 Graduate Award in Urban Studies deadline is approaching soon!


    The SGCI is pleased to offer all full-time UConn graduate students the opportunity to compete for its inaugural Graduate Student Award for research excellence on city-related issues.


    A core goal of the Strategic Plan for the Sustainable Global Cities Initiative is to expand UConn’s research resources -- including the impactful work of its graduate and professional students -- that focus on cities and urban life. To encourage and highlight this research, this award will be given to the best graduate student paper focused on the study of cities or urban life written for a course during the 2020-21 academic year.  

    Applications will be accepted through June 1, 2021 and award winners will be announced during the summer. Learn more and submit entries at!

    For more information, contact: Rachel Smith Hale at