Special Events and Receptions

  • 5/10 Queer UConn Employees Parents Lunch

    Are you a UConn faculty or staff member and

    • A parent of someone in the LGBTQA+ community


    • an LGBTQA+ community member and a parent?


    Queer UConn Employees (QUE) is hosting a virtual lunch on May 10, 2021 to discuss the joys and challenges specific to parenting in the LGBTQA+ community.  This meeting will be held on the second Monday of each month so please mark your calendars! 

    The link to join the virtual session is below.  If you’d like a calendar request, or for additional information, contact brenda.lowther@uconn.edu.  I hope to see you soon! 

    Join from the meeting link



    Topic: QUE Parents Lunch
    Host: Brenda Lowther
    Date: Monday, May 10, 2021
    Time: 12:00 pm

    For more information, contact: Brenda Lowther at brenda.lowther@uconn.edu