Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • Take Care of Yourself with Human Resources

    May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Human Resources has focused our well-being programs this month surrounding this important topic that affects millions of Americans daily. This month sheds light on the fight against the mental health stigma and Human Resources joins this fight as we will share resources and programs throughout the month of May.

    Now more than ever, while we must distance, it’s crucial to stay connected, practice self-care, and check in on one another. For HR’s well-being focus this month, check out our mental health month awareness and resources webpage, and keep an eye out for presentations on finding balance while working from home and for virtual gentle yoga sessions with UConn Recreation.

    For details surrounding HR’s Monthly Well-Being Programming , visit the Human Resources Work/Life - Health & Wellness webpage 

    For more information, contact: Michelle Monko/Human Resources at