Information for Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

  • 4/30 Changes to Textbook Adoption Process

    To All UConn Faculty, 

    We at the UConn Bookstore would like to thank everyone who has utilized our online adoption portal, Faculty Enlight, over the past 4.5 years.  We recognize that Faculty Enlight is neither as intuitive nor as simple to use as it should be.  Because of this Faculty Enlight will be going away as of 4/30/2021 so we can make way for our new Adoptions and Insights Portal to go live in early June of 2021! 

    Any adoptions placed between 4/30/2021 and the introduction of AIP should be emailed directly to David Yutzey at   

    More information on AIP will be provided as June gets closer, but in the meantime here’s some information on how it will benefit UConn: 

    AIP makes it easy for faculty to browse over 10 million ISBNs and a range of textbooks, eBooks and courseware from a large and diverse group of publishers, then adopt (and re-adopt) the best course materials. School administrators get real-time access to adoption rates, providing the insights they need to send timely reminders, both automated and on-demand, through the portal. Through AIP, we have the ability to offer incredible added value for our partners, further supporting them in their ongoing initiatives to drive affordability, accessibility and achievement for all stakeholders on campus. 


    For more information, contact: Jen Amedy at