Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/27 MCB Seminar Series: Dr. Leah Rosin (PhD '16)

    3:30pm – 4:30pm

    Dr. Leah Rosin (PhD '16) Postdoctoral Fellow NIH/NIDDK

    Host: Dr. Barbara Mellone

    "Connecting 3D genome structure and function using Oligopaint FISH"

    Summary: Using microscopy-based approaches and the Drosophila model systems, we interrogate how the interphase genome is organized, what factors contribute to large scale genome organization, and what happens when genome organization is disrupted.

    Dr. Rosin received her PhD in Genetics and Genomics from UCONN in 2016. From there, she did a short postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania with Eric Joyce. Dr. Rosin is currently a senior postdoc at the NIH with Elissa Lei studying nuclear organization in insects.

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    For more information, contact: Ciara Hanlon at