Student Activities

  • Graduate Writing Boot Camp April 2021

    When: Monday, April 12 to Thursday, April 15 (spring break), 9am - 4pm each day 

    How: Online (through Microsoft Teams)  

    Maintaining momentum with substantial writing projects can be tough, but making a commitment to structured writing time can help. Writing in the presence of others can also bring a sense of solidarity and boost your productivity. Graduate writing boot camps are designed to give you structure and community and help you get writing done. 

    This writing boot camp will take place online through Microsoft Teams. There will not be any tutoring or lectures. We’ll have a few check-ins each day to keep us accountable and on track, but most of the time will be reserved for quiet writing. The point is to make a commitment to your writing and to get as much done as possible. Because of this, we recommend signing up for all four days if you’re able to and committing to working the entire day. Reserve this time for your writing as you would reserve time for a class or a conference. 

    For more information, contact: Gabe Morrison at