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  • 4/8 Claire KILROY (Irish Women's Writing Festival)

    In the April 8 event (tomorrow) of the Irish Women's Writing Festival hosted by UConn’s Irish Literature Honors class, Irish novelist and former UConn Gerson Irish Reader CLAIRE KILROY discusses her Gothic take on the excesses of boomtime Ireland, The Devil I Know (2012), her fourth novel with Faber and Faber.

    Claire Kilroy's debut novel, All Summer, was awarded the 2004 Rooney Prize for Irish Literature. Her second novel, Tenderwire, was shortlisted for the 2007 Irish Novel of the Year. Kilroy holds a B.A. in English and an M.Phil. in Creative Writing from Trinity College Dublin.

    Irish Women’s Writing Festival schedule of remaining events:

    Apr. 8:   Claire Kilroy on her novel, The Devil I Know

    Apr. 20: Claire Bracken (Union College) survey talk on Irish Women’s Writing  


    All events free, open, and from 12:30-1:30 p.m. at the same WebEx “classroom.” Contact host Prof. Mary Burke ( regarding WebEx admittance to events and for accommodation requests.

    Sponsored by Irish Studies/Department of English

    For more information, contact: Mary Burke at