Research, Funding, and Awards

  • New Process for Rhodes/Marshall Nominations

    Please Alert your High-Achieving Students!  Faculty support is critical!

    How to apply for the Rhodes, Marshall, and/or Mitchell Scholarship(s) as a University of Connecticut student or recent alum:

    1. Candidates must submit an intent to apply for a Rhodes, Marshall, and/or Mitchell Scholarship(s), by filling out the following form by May 1, 2014: -- ENCOURAGE YOUR MOST DYNAMIC JUNIORS & SENIORS WITH STRONG ACADEMIC RECORDS TO GO FOR IT!

    This link and information about the Rhodes, Marshall and Mitchell Scholarships is also available at:

    We recommend that candidates review each scholarship carefully, including eligibility and selection criteria, before submitting an intent to apply.  Once submitted, candidates will receive a follow-up email from the Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships to confirm intent and discuss next steps. 

    1. CAMPUS DEADLINE: Completed applications for each scholarship will be due on September 1, 2014, at which time our faculty nominating committee will interview strong candidates for nomination.  Student MUST receive nomination to enter the national competitions.
    1. Successful nominees will receive endorsement and proceed to the national level for review by October 1.  Finalists in the national competitions will be notified and interviewed accordingly.  Results of all three competitions are typically released before the end of November. 

    Prospective candidates are welcome to meet with Jill Deans, Director of UConn's Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships at any point to answer questions about the process or your candidacy.  You may select a posted time on the UConn Advising System: (go to "Enrichment Programs" and follow the prompts to Jill Deans' hours) or email:

    For more information, contact: Jill Deans, Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships at