Additional UConn Information

  • Weekly COVID Update From the Dean of Students

    The below email was sent to undergraduate and graduate students on the Storrs campus


    Dear Huskies,

    Blue.  It looks good on you.  Forgive the sentimentalism, but I remember developing the color system over break and thinking: blue. That’s our goal.  When I shared it with colleagues, they agreed (and were quite particular in determining that it be the UConn blue, not the North Carolina blue that was present in earlier drafts.  My bad). 

    So, we’re here.  UConn blue.  Here’s what we know one week after transitioning to blue:

    Click here for graph

    Off-campus.  Really? You were nailing it!  You still can, but I can’t help but note that, one week after hearing about gatherings off-campus, our positives off-campus are rising a bit.  This is not to say that those are a direct correlation, but there is cause for concern as the weather improves and we seek to connect with one another. 

    Let’s connect AND care for the health and safety of each other.  Whether or not you have recovered from COVID, attending a large gathering and not wearing a mask puts everyone at risk.  Most importantly, it jeopardizes our ability to stay blue.

    IT’S TIME FOR HUSKYTHON!!! Every year, I choke back tears when I speak on the HuskyThon stage.  I am ALWAYS humbled by UConn students choosing to contribute to something so much greater than themselves.  The tears come as I realize the power that comes from coming together to make a difference.  HuskyThon will not be stopped, but has needed to convert to a hybrid format.  Please check it out and contribute to this great UConn tradition.

    Finally, as we wrap up Fresh Check week, I thank the many of you who took part in the virtual Stamp Out Stigma walk as well as the remaining events and discussions.  As you know, I am continually struck by the care we have for each other as a community.  Our mental health matters and it is important we all embrace the tools and spaces that enable us to truly commit to our collective health and well-being.

    Be well, UConn. 

    All my best,


    Eleanor JB Daugherty, EdD


    Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students



    For more information, contact: Janice Canniff at